Air Bike Tips: So It Sucks A Little Less

The dreaded air bike. Those that know this beast know the workout it can deliver.

While, personally, I have a love-hate relationship with the air bike (I love the workout it gives but dread the actual workout) I have seen that many people just don’t know HOW to make sure they get the most out of their time on this bike. You ARE busting your rear on this bike so you might as well get the best bang for your buck with the effort your putting in.

We have several here at RTC because it’s, in my opinion, about the closest cardio piece that is out there that can stimulate the benefits of sprinting WITHOUT the impact on the body. I have seen this machine really lean up some people and I’ll give you some sample workouts that we have our members do here.

First, let me show you how to make that air bike suck just a little less.

Fan Bike Workouts

Workout 1

  • Warm-up 3 minutes at *5-6 intensity
  • Interval training 12 min. of 10 sec. hard (8-10 intensity); 50 sec. easy (4 intensity)
  • Cool-down 3 minutes of 5 intensity

*What is meant by intensity is on a scale from 1-10, 1 is easy, 10 is all out effort*


Workout 2

  • Warm-up 3 minutes at 5-6 intensity
  • Interval training 12 min. of 15 sec. hard (8-10 intensity), 45 sec. easy (4 intensity)
  • Cool-down 3 minutes at 5 intensity


Workout 3

  • Warm-up 3 minutes at 5-6 intensity
  • Every *2min for 10 rounds: 10 calories at 9-10 intensity (20 total min)
  • Cool-down 3 minutes at 5 intensity

*Set a 2min running clock and you have 2min to sprit out 10 calories, rest the remainder of the time. If you’re more advanced go for 15 calories.


Workout 5

  • Warm-up 3 minutes at 5-6 intensity
  • Every *90sec for 12 rounds: 10 calories at 9-10 intensity
  • Cool-down 3 minutes at 5 intensity

*Set a 90sec running clock and you have 90sec to sprit out 10 calories, rest the remainder of the time. If you’re more advanced go for 15 calories.


*Workout 6 (Tabata burner)

*Bonus workout, not for the faint of heart BUT AMAZING CALORIE burner

  • Warm-up 3 minutes at 5-6 intensity
  • **All out sprint for 20sec with 10sec rest for 8 rounds.
  • Cool-down 3 minutes at 5 intensity

**This is a short workout BUT the goal is to get a maximum number of calories in that 4min. Record the number of calories somewhere and next time you’re up for a challenge try to do more calories than your previous workout.


Notes for the workouts. If you want to REALLY make sure that you eventually dominate this machine keep a RECORD of your workouts and each time you do that workout try and beat your previous numbers by either one more round, more work time, less rest or more calories. Always strive to beat your numbers and when you do you’ll see that not only you’re in MUCH better shape BUT also you’ll notice that you’ll be a bit leaner. <=== Let’s be real, that’s why most that are not competitive athletes do this damn bike 😉



In Health and Awesomeness,

Travis Merritt, BS, CPT, (and other letters behind the name) is the Owner of Rowlett Transformation Center in Rowlett, TX.

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