Creating a New a Shelter at Home Routine

Right about now, we are one week down with the shelter at home order, surreal isn’t it?

You may or may not be feeling this; people are starting to feel a bit lost. Not having a sense of purpose and some feelings of stress and depression are kicking in. This is understandable, so don’t think if your here, something is wrong.

What I want to do is give you some things that you can start doing NOW, today, to keep yourself in check and not get lost and wander aimlessly on your phone during this time of shelter.

One. Stay on a Schedule 

Routine is critical right now, keeping yourself on some kind of set schedule will help keep a sense of order to your life. Have a schedule for when you will wake, when you will eat, workout, work, spend time with family or loved ones and go to bed.

At this time, it’s easy, too easy, to get off a routine, to lose your purpose focus and end up in a funk feeling lost and unsure what to do, you feel you’re living a life without purpose. If you’re here now, THEN GET ON A ROUTINE. I have a sample for you below.


Two. Everyday Move. 

It’s more than physical health, it’s mental health. Right now, more than ever, you want to make sure you’re breaking a sweat each day. Have a time in your day where you workout, go for a run, bike, hike, lift… doesn’t matter but move.

Working out, sweating will be therapy for you… and you need it right now. This will be a time to dump out all that stress, feel happy, get some endorphins, and basically time to forget everything that is going on.

Your not as active as you used to be, and that catches up real fast and can get you feeling depressed real quick.


Three. Disconnect Each Day.

Do something, anything to disconnect you from the day. Work on a hobby, do home repairs, build something, play music, video games, doesn’t matter, but each day have some time where you can disconnect from the world.

This is also a form of therapy because for a few moments, your not focused on life going on; you get to shut off, lose yourself in something that brings your joy- ever heard of “ideal mind busy body”? Similar to some forms of meditation. Doing an activity, such as painting a wall or building something, that your brain slows down and you’re focused on a task at hand. That is what I’m talking about.


Four. Connect with a Friend or Loved One.

Each day reach out to someone, call them up, shoot the shit, chat, talk. Knowing that your not alone that others are going through what you’re going through and creating a support system will help TONS throughout this time.


Five. Cook.

Yup spend some time learning how to cook. Preferably healthy food, there are tons of ideas online but I would recommend checking out our Free Help Kit HERE to get some of our simple 5 ingredient or less recipes to start. We have quite a few to chose from.

I know that’s a lot to consider for an ideal schedule during this shelter at home order, but here is what mine looks like, and maybe you can take a few ideas for you.

  • 6am – Wake up, shower, get ready for the day
  • 7am -11am – Write workouts for online members, emails, videos, research
  • 12pm Workout
  • 1pm -Eat first meal
  • 2pm – Nap (depends on my kids lol)
  • 3pm-5pm – Spend time with my family, walk, play outside (but get outside, some sunshine is good for you)
  • 5pm-6pm – Dinner
  • 7-8pm – Clean up, talk to friends and family on the phone,
  • 9-10pm Relax
  • 10pm Bedtime.

Not every day is exactly like this, but it’s pretty close.

When this shelter at home order started my family, and I sat down and immediately started a schedule to keep some purpose to our lives and not wander aimlessly.

If your starting to feel a bit lost, then I encourage you to do this, write down a schedule, and stick to it. It will be hard, and you may not get it right the first time, but doing something like this will keep your mind sharp, keep your body healthy, and keep you from spending all your time on your phone.

One more thing… if you need some direction with your workouts, even with limited gym equipment access, we are taking accepting new distance coaching clients HERE. Let us do the thinking for your workouts, and you just focus on doing.



In Health and Awesomeness,
Travis Merritt, BS, CPT, (and other letters behind the name) is the Owner of Rowlett Transformation Center in Rowlett, TX.

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