How does your story end?

My friend Jeremy Scott sent this my way, and I couldn’t help but read this several times over since I feel it hits home with so many people.


“What stories do you tell yourself?

What stories do you tell yourself concerning your disappointments and failures?

Do you tell yourself that you were a victim?

Do you question whether you are destined for success?

Or do you say to yourself that they’re lessons on the way to success.

Do you tell yourself that you aren’t fit enough? You aren’t healthy enough?

Are you telling yourself a story where you can’t change …because you have no self-control?

Perhaps it’s time you start telling different versions of those stories.

The stories you tell yourself are the foundations of your self-image…and that self-image is the bedrock your success is and will always be built on.

If your story reveals you to be a victim, as unlucky or as short of the tools needed for greatness…you become an obstacle to your own success.

But if the story you tell yourself presents you to be resilient, resourceful, smart and strong…then those obstacles and challenges you face are the battles you have to fight to achieve your ultimate success.

It’s all a matter of perspective.

A wonderful way to think about this can be derived from this powerful quote…

“Every day is a new opportunity to change your life. You have the power to say ‘This is not how my story ends.’”

It says that you get to be the author of that story you tell yourself.

You just have to decide how you want your story to read.

Do you believe that you can succeed? That you can accomplish great things?

I hope you do…and I hope that’s the story you’re telling yourself, because the story in your head will often precede the reality that you achieve.”


This reminds me of Danny Meyer’s story (below), where he talked about looking in the mirror and not recognizing the man standing there. Then he came to terms that there were not many 430lbs 55-year-olds out there, so he had to change.

He rewrote his story, and he is continuing to rewrite it daily.

Like Jeremy said, “Every day is a new opportunity to change your life.”

You’re the author; you can determine exactly where you want YOUR story to go.

Think about that.



In Health and Awesomeness,
Travis Merritt, BS, CPT, (and other letters behind the name) is the Owner of Rowlett Transformation Center in Rowlett, TX.

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